• Welcoming our summer 2019 NoHLA interns

    NoHLA is fortunate to host summer interns every year, and this year we have two bright students who have just completed their first year of law school. We’re thrilled to have them join us! Each interviewed the other in order to introduce their colleague to you. Meet Chris! Chris Hightower comes to NoHLA from the […]

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  • Washington Legislature moves health care forward, but Medicaid budget is at risk

    This year’s Washington Legislature enacted many bills that are intended to improve access to health care – perhaps an unprecedented number – and much other health legislation. We saw progress in improving access to care, including added coverage for immigrants, an effort to address insurance affordability, and bills to advance health equity. Some session highlights, […]

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  • Continuing Maternal Mortality Reviews

    Very shortly after my maternal “near miss” in 2016, the Washington State Legislature funded a Maternal Mortality Review Panel to take a closer look at maternal deaths in our state. The work was only funded through June of 2020. This year, SB 5425 proposes to make the Maternal Mortality Review Panel permanent and make some […]

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  • State Medicaid budget under fire

    We were shocked to see that the Senate and House are both proposing a huge budget cut for Medicaid by assuming over $350 million in savings for “program integrity.” The Health Care Authority says these extraordinary savings assumptions are unrealistic. Even worse, the Senate includes significant additional Medicaid cuts (see our budget update for details). […]

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  • From Measles outbreak to legislative breakthrough?

    Required vaccinations are a hot topic in the legislature this session. Long-standing scientific consensus summarized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Washington State Department of Health underlines the safety, effectiveness, and importance of these vaccinations. A recent measles outbreak centered in Southwest Washington, almost entirely among unvaccinated children, reminded us […]

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  • Preserving ACA Protections for Washingtonians

    In this last year of the decade that began with Congress passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), our state is poised to take its biggest step yet towards preserving important health care rights for Washingtonians, come what may in D.C. or federal courts. The Washington State Legislature has passed a bill (SHB 1870) to make […]

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  • Expand or Erode? Stark contrasts between Dems and Trump on health care

    Is it time to broaden health coverage for all, or should we cut the health care budget? The differences between progressive Democrats’ vision of Medicare for All and President Trump’s proposal to make draconian health care cuts couldn’t be starker. Progressive Democrats have put forward new proposals to achieve health care for all. In February, […]

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  • Moving Toward Affordability and Universal Coverage this Session: Two Complementary Approaches

    TAKE ACTION: Contact your Representatives and Senator to ask them to support E2SHB 1523, 2SSB 5526 and 2SSB 5822, especially if they are on a health care committee or in a swing district. Find your Representatives and Senator here. Midway through our legislative session, we’re watching bills to address systemic problems in our health insurance […]

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  • The doctor will see you now?

    We have often heard consumers speak out about their frustration with getting care in a timely fashion through their insurance plan. This legislative session, House Bill 1099, sponsored by Representative Laurie Jinkins, addresses access to mental health and chemical dependency treatment. The bill is one of many this year intended to improve access to behavioral […]

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  • Moving forward on reproductive health equity

    TAKE ACTION: Contact your Washington State Senator to urge passage of SB 5602! Click here for a list of senators and a script. The Reproductive Health Care Access for All Act (RHAA) would be a step toward attaining reproductive health equity for Washingtonians. The bill (SB 5602), currently in Senate Rules after passing out of […]

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