The House Democrats’ Lower Drug Costs Now Act – A step possible this year?
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s September embrace of a “transformative” prescription drug plan on which “we do hope to have White House buy-in” sparked hearings, renewed hopes for legislation during this first year of a sharply-divided Congress, and was widely lauded as at least a “good first step” toward relieving the burden on consumers. […]
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Patient debt is forgiven – Charity Care case in Spokane settles
On October 7, Empire Health Foundation announced that it had settled its lawsuit against Community Health Systems (CHS), the former owner of Deaconess Medical and Valley Hospital and Medical Center in Spokane from 2008-2017. The settlement requires CHS to eliminate hospital debt for thousands of former patients of the two hospitals, estimated as high as […]
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Breaking down the silos in health care reform
By Bevin McLeod, Co-Founder and Board President, Alliance for a Healthy Washington It’s no secret that our fragmented health care system operates in silos when administering care. We see it particularly when important communications about a patient’s care aren’t shared with the pertinent providers, resulting in care gaps, and this fragmented system plays a big […]
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Court hearings on the Public Charge rules in early October, and Congressional attempts to block it
Last month, we wrote about the federal government’s adoption of the new “public charge” rules that broaden the grounds for inadmissibility of some immigrants and preventing others from getting Lawful Permanent Resident (“green card”) status. NoHLA and other organizations are developing materials and trainings on these rules to explain what impact they have. We know […]
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The importance of communication in health care: Language access and disability access
When I applied earlier this year for a summer internship at Northwest Health Law Advocates, I wrote in my cover letter about seeking the opportunity to learn more about the kinds of legal questions and challenges that arise in the areas of health law and policy. As it happens, I spent much of this summer […]
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What would happen to Medicaid under “Medicare for All” and Public Option plans?
Even as litigation and rulemaking threatens the nation’s progress under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the 2020 presidential campaign has put proposals for the future of health care coverage front and center. The New York Times, CBS News, and National Public Radio were among the news media who led their coverage of the September 12 […]
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The Department of Homeland Security Public Charge Rule is Final. Here’s what you need to know.
TAKE ACTION! Tell Policymakers to Defund the Public Charge Rule and Protect Families: Use this link from the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum to ask your member of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 3222, the No Federal Funds for Public Charge Act of 2019, and speak out against this policy. Many immigrants and the people […]
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Public comments matter!
TAKE ACTION! Comment by September 3 to make the most of Washington’s ACA consumer protections law! This week, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner published new draft rules implementing SHB 1870. Public comments are due September 3. The 2019 legislation adopts in state law several key consumer protections in the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA), […]
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The heat is still on for health civil rights, reproductive health care, and the ACA
Activity threatening federal health care access laws that we profiled last month has not slowed down during this summer’s dog days. We begin with the one that you can TAKE ACTION on, but only until August 13. Comment deadline approaches on anti-discrimination regulations rollback The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed changes […]
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The Trump Administration’s attacks on reproductive health, health equity, and the Affordable Care Act
TAKE ACTION! Please thank Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson for defending the ACA and access to family planning! Submit a comment here. — After focusing during winter and spring on an unusually noteworthy Washington State legislative session, we’re looking more closely beyond the Evergreen State and taking stock of federal government activity that seriously threatens […]
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