All we want for the holidays is… health care for every Washington resident
Here at NoHLA, we are drawing up our holiday wish list for policymakers at the federal and state level. Here are our top asks this year: 1. Preserve health reform at the Supreme Court On November 10th, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could affect the health coverage of almost every […]
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Know your rights: COVID-19 testing and treatment
As the pandemic approaches another potential spike, it’s more important than ever for Washington residents to access COVID-19 testing and treatment when necessary without fear of unexpected medical bills. Please continue to spread the word about protections for Washington State residents against medical bills for COVID-19 testing and treatment: For state-regulated (“fully insured”) private health […]
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COVID-19 disaster relief funds for immigrants
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how immigrants in Washington State face inequitable access to critical health and safety net programs. As a first step in improving equity and basic economic security for immigrants, there are new funds available to help Washington State residents who don’t qualify for other COVID-19 relief programs due to their immigration […]
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NoHLA launches Immigrant Health Equity Campaign with partners El Centro de La Raza and WAISN
NoHLA is partnering with El Centro de la Raza and Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) with support from ACLU of Washington to advocate for health equity for immigrants. Many public health coverage programs include immigration status restrictions, which excludes many people from accessing these vital programs. The COVID-19 public health emergency has made it clear […]
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Update on Family Planning Only Implementation
In response to comments from NoHLA and other advocates, the state Health Care Authority (HCA) has announced it will permit applicants to make an informed choice to obtain Family Planning Only program (FPO) services without applying for full scope Medicaid. This is welcome news, as the state-funded program became available to all regardless of immigration […]
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NoHLA Webinar Series: Centering health equity
This year, in lieu of our annual all-day in-person seminar, we went virtual with 5 sessions, one a week in the month of October. The theme is “Pandemic Response: How Do We Center Health Equity?” It’s been a great run so far! The series began with a compelling keynote presentation by Dr. Rhea Boyd, followed […]
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‘Tis the season! Open Enrollment is here!
Know someone who needs health coverage or wants to switch their plan? It’s Open Enrollment season for Washington State residents seeking individual coverage through Washington Healthplanfinder, the state’s official insurance marketplace, or Medicare. Washington Healthplanfinder Open Enrollment runs from Nov. 1, 2020 – Jan. 15, 2021. During this time, people can sign up or renew […]
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The fight ahead: ACA at risk
As we head into November, all eyes are on the other Washington. Our state’s health care system will be fundamentally shaped by the next few weeks, as the election proceeds and Judge Amy Coney Barrett takes a seat on the Supreme Court after yesterday’s rushed confirmation. Against this backdrop, the Supreme Court will hear oral […]
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Legislative updates: State agency budget documents and upcoming legislative work sessions
State agency budget decision packages were posted to the Office of Financial Management website last week. As expected, they appear to include most – if not all – of the cuts identified in the savings options exercise that agencies undertook this spring at the direction of the Governor in light of significant expected revenue shortfalls. The […]
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NoHLA welcomes Emily Brice!
We are thrilled to welcome Emily Brice as our Senior Attorney & Policy Advisor. We should say, we’re welcoming her back, as she was a NoHLA staff attorney from 2011-13. In the interim, Emily has gained a depth of experience and knowledge that will strengthen NoHLA’s advocacy efforts tremendously. Emily says, “I’m so pleased to […]
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