What an Interesting Way to Message Against Medicare for All…

Medicare for All proposals have gained steam this year as more and more Democrats throw in their support. The most recent endorsement came from President Barack Obama, who called it a “good new idea.” But Republicans now claim that Medicare for All will instead take health care away from senior citizens(!). Political ads with pro-Medicare messaging are primarily targeting individuals who voted for Obama in 2012 but Trump in 2016. Unfortunately for them, the public has been largely supportive of Medicare for All – a March Kaiser Health Tracking Poll found six in ten (59 percent) favor a national health plan or Medicare for All – including a majority of both Democrats and independents and about one-third of Republicans. The approval increased to 75% when framed as an option for anyone who wants it, but people who currently have other forms of coverage can keep the coverage they already have. We hope people see through this messaging when they hear it.