People Love the ACA and Medicaid More Than Ever!

Meanwhile, favorability of the ACA tops 50% for the first time!

Unfortunately, there is also public support for changes that would make retaining coverage even more burdensome for Medicaid enrollees.

Refuting Republican claims that Medicaid is “woefully broken” and that it provides the poor with worse care than is gained by the uninsured, Medicaid enrollees report satisfaction with their coverage and care, with their ratings averaging 7.9 on a 10-point scale. 84% reported getting the care they or their physician felt was necessary in the past 6 months. Most (83%) also report having a usual source of care other than the emergency department.

Despite concerns about the stability of the individual insurance market under the ACA following the exit of several insurers from the exchange markets, new data offer more evidence that the individual market has been stabilizing and insurers are regaining profitability – to the tune of an average of nearly $300 per member in the first quarter of 2017.