NoHLA Leads Action to End Surprise Ambulance Bills, Protect WA Residents from Hospital Bills, and More!

NoHLA and allies in Fair Health Prices WA are turning up the heat against high health care prices this summer! 

A few years ago, Congress and the Washington Legislature took action to protect patients from the terrible practice of “surprise billing.” Now insurers and medical providers can no longer force patients to pay high out-of-network costs in emergencies and certain other circumstances. But these laws left a major loophole: ground ambulance companies can still balance bill consumers. Recent analysis by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner shows that WA residents face a 15% chance of a surprise ground ambulance bill in an emergency.

People shouldn’t have to be afraid they’ll go bankrupt if they call an ambulance. NoHLA is calling for a solution: We’re one of the only consumer representatives speaking up for patients on the Office of the Insurance Commissioner’s Ground Ambulance Surprise Billing Workgroup, which is due to deliver recommendations to the Legislature this October. Read our comments and share your ambulance billing story!

But we’re not stopping there. NoHLA and advocates across the country are calling on the Department to protect WA residents from hospitals that persistently violate “charity care” laws. These laws should make most hospital care free or discounted for about half of Washington residents – but too often hospitals aren’t following the law. 

And we’re taking our message national. NoHLA’s Emily Brice was invited to speak on a panel this week at the National Conference of State Legislatures about bipartisan approaches to tackling high health prices. Stay tuned for more!