NoHLA Board Member Spotlight: Jodi Sullivan

Jodi Sullivan joined the NoHLA Board of Directors in 2016 after consulting NoHLA staff countless times over the years about state and federal laws, regulations, and policies governing medical care. She wanted to contribute to our powerful organization, and was particularly impressed by the secret shopper investigation that NoHLA conducted with NARAL Pro-Choice Washington that uncovered health insurers’ failure to provide all FDA-approved forms of contraception at no cost, in violation of the Affordable Care Act. Jodi is a lawyer for Northwest Justice Project in Everett, WA, providing free civil legal representation to low-income Washington residents and older adults, focusing on public benefits and civil litigation. The part of her job she enjoys most is empowering individuals, particularly older adults, to become advocates for themselves and others. In her free time, she spends as much time as possible outdoors. She always has a book with her and if she had more time, she would read more, continue her quest to find the perfect cup of coffee, and have healthier plants!

Jodi says, “Policymakers and advocates rely on NoHLA’s expertise. Washington residents benefit greatly from NoHLA’s work. Serving on the Board allows me to have a significant, positive, systemic impact in my community.”