Update on Family Planning Only Implementation
In response to comments from NoHLA and other advocates, the state Health Care Authority (HCA) has announced it will permit applicants to make an informed choice to…
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NoHLA Webinar Series: Centering health equity
This year, in lieu of our annual all-day in-person seminar, we went virtual with 5 sessions, one a week in the month of October. The theme is…
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‘Tis the season! Open Enrollment is here!
Know someone who needs health coverage or wants to switch their plan? It’s Open Enrollment season for Washington State residents seeking individual coverage through Washington Healthplanfinder, the…
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The fight ahead: ACA at risk
As we head into November, all eyes are on the other Washington. Our state’s health care system will be fundamentally shaped by the next few weeks, as…
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Legislative updates: State agency budget documents and upcoming legislative work sessions
State agency budget decision packages were posted to the Office of Financial Management website last week. As expected, they appear to include most – if not all…
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NoHLA welcomes Emily Brice!
We are thrilled to welcome Emily Brice as our Senior Attorney & Policy Advisor. We should say, we’re welcoming her back, as she was a NoHLA staff…
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NoHLA honors Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and prepares for health care impact
As we collectively mourn the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we at NoHLA are reflecting on her role as a fierce champion for equity,…
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Dear Legislators: Invest, don’t cut!
In this time of unprecedented challenges, health disparities have been magnified and many Washington residents still do not have access to affordable…
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Senate pandemic relief bill fails to make urgently needed investments in health care to save lives
As COVID infections surge, more than 1500 people in Washington state have died from the disease and over a million residents have filed for unemployment, a high…
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What just happened? A federal flurry of activity on non-discrimination protections
The Trump Administration has long been working to undermine the Affordable Care Act, including the strong regulations implementing its non-discrimination protections in ACA Section 1557. This month,…
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