NoHLA Advocates for Health Affordability, Access, and Equity

NoHLA submitted budget recommendations to Washington State Governor Inslee this month, advocating for the Governor to include  proposals in his upcoming budget that are needed to shore up health care access, affordability, and equity. NoHLA’s long-standing support for health equity for immigrants is a key part of our recommendations, including:

  • allocating ongoing funds for a new Medicaid-equivalent program for immigrants so that it can launch in 2024;
  • expanding Cascade Care financial assistance for Health Benefit Exchange enrollees, including immigrants slated to newly change in 2024; and 
  • addressing community outreach and language access for this new population.

NoHLA also called for other actions to address health care affordability by:

  • covering out-of-pocket costs for low-income Medicare enrollees by expanding eligibility to 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
  • allowing older adults and people with disabilities to access Apple Health without delay rather than waiting months for coverage to begin due to cumbersome verification procedures.
  • covering certain medical services and procedures that are recommended by the state’s Health Technology Clinical Committee but inconsistently approved by Apple Health.
  • expanding Apple Health income eligibility for pregnant and postpartum people from 193% FPL to 210% FPL to align birth parent and child eligibility.

Looking ahead, NoHLA supports enhancing the capacity for the Health Care Cost Transparency Board, investing in improving customer-facing infrastructure at health agencies, and preparing for the future by continuing to protect reproductive health access.