Know your rights: COVID-19 testing and treatment

As the pandemic approaches another potential spike, it’s more important than ever for Washington residents to access COVID-19 testing and treatment when necessary without fear of unexpected medical bills. Please continue to spread the word about protections for Washington State residents against medical bills for COVID-19 testing and treatment:

  • For state-regulated (“fully insured”) private health plans, the Office of Insurance Commissioner (OIC) has extended emergency orders that require insurers to waive cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing until November 24th. In addition, most major insurers have agreed to cover in-network treatment without cost-sharing. 
  • For people with Washington Apple Health, the Health Care Authority and the Department of Social and Health Services will not terminate coverage until the public health emergency expires (currently slated to expire January 21, 2020). 
  • For uninsured people, regardless of immigration status, there is no charge for COVID-19 testing and treatment if you go to a participating provider. Map and information about testing sites

For more information, see NoHLA’s COVID-19 resource

Have you gotten a COVID-19 testing or treatment medical bill you don’t think you should have gotten? OIC can help navigate medical bills from fully-insured private health plans. Or let NoHLA know – contact

–Emily Brice, NoHLA Senior Attorney & Policy Advisor