Immigrants Have Plenty to Worry About

The news has been filled with images and stories of families being separated at the border. The emotional and health impacts are nothing to sneeze at. Especially for children, whose Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are adding up quickly. But moms are reportedly being pulled away from their breastfeeding babies. There are serious short- and long-term health consequences for children and their families experiencing this situation, known as toxic stress. The House is gearing up to vote on two immigration bills today– neither addresses the family separation issue, but Dreamers may finally receive some resolution.

Potential changes around “public charge” rules are frightening for immigrants and their families. The Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF-WA) Coalition, of which NoHLA is a member, is sharing accurate information about the draft proposed rule changes to communities most impacted. Last week’s Ethnic Media Roundtable was attended by 20 people, representing 13 different organizations, including representatives from Seattle Chinese Times, Runta News, Washington African Media, Bustos Media, and Latino Northwest Communications. NoHLA was proud to have Huma Zarif represent us as a panelist. Missed it? Check out the live Facebook video from OneAmerica.