Immigrant Families in Trump’s Sights 🎯

Last weekend, the Department of Homeland Security released a new draft of the proposed rules advocates have been expecting for many months. The latest draft proposal expands the definition of public charge from primarily depending on to merely using a government program. Immigrants seeking to adjust their status or be admitted to the US are penalized for using a wide range of non-cash public assistance including Medicaid and Medicare part D prescription drug assistance – programs lawfully present immigrants are legally eligible for. Since the first leaked draft proposal in early 2017, immigrant communities fear using public benefit programs because of the potential immigration impact, resulting in a chilling effect up to and including disenrollment from services. The rules are expected to be published soon in the Federal Register for a 60-day public comment period.

NoHLA is a steering committee member of the Protecting Immigrant Families – WA (PIF-WA) coalition, which held a media event earlier this week to share accurate information on the updated proposal. We have been involved in community education events and helped develop materials to help educate providers, media, and impacted communities about the proposed changes. We will continue to work with PIF-WA to continue to share up to date, accurate information regarding the proposal and mobilize for the public comment period.

If you are interested in getting involved:

  • Join the PIF-WA coalition here.
  • Submit comments when the rule is published in the federal register at gov
  • Check-out additional resources on the National Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign site available here.