The New Administration Begins
After the inauguration, followed by powerful demonstrations of concern for what is to come, President Trump and Congress are getting down to business. In health care news: Trump signed a confusing and vaguely-worded Executive Order to federal agencies regarding the Affordable Care Act. The order encourages agencies to dismantle parts of the law even before […]
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NoHLA Works to Defend the ACA and To Improve Health Care for Washingtonians
With all that is happening at the federal level, health programs in Washington State are on a positive trajectory. In fact, the Obama administration has recently approved a 5-year Medicaid waiver to improve the quality of low-income residents’ health and health care. In the coming year, NoHLA will be working to ensure effective, person-focused implementation […]
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The Hostile Agenda Targeting Health Rights of Women, and Those in Poverty
In a new piece for The Huffington Post, National Health Law Program Executive Director Elizabeth G. Taylor explores the emerging conservative agenda on health rights, and how it disproportionately would harm women and those struggling to live on limited or insufficient incomes. Efforts to shape the U.S. Supreme Court, repeal the Affordable Care Act and limit the […]
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This Professor’s Secret Could Save Your Life
Check out her story (http://ow.ly/U0kaM) and video (http://ow.ly/U0ixW) Photograph by Anastasia Rodionova
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Now that she has a clean bill of health, Amy is eager to plant her spring crops
What a great way to kick off Women’s History Month. You still have time to #Get Covered Read Roberta’s latest Blog.
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Think you don’t need health insurance?
Check out Joie’s YouTube story and learn how even a simple earache can be a disaster waiting to happen. Take Joie’s advice and #GetCovered today.
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Meet Robert
In 2014,more than 600,000 Washingtonians gained health insurance, many for the first time. This is a giant step forward. However, some are still falling through the cracks. Meet Robert, a middle-aged father of three who rode his bicycle from West Seattle to the Seattle Center, in a downpour, hoping to receive care at a free […]
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Faith above Facts: One Mom’s Career in Sex Law, Part 3
“I’m ticked off with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and four of his brethren. The nerve of those guys! In the recent, fiercely divided 5-4 Hobby Lobby decision, they ruled that one man’s belief is more important than a woman’s facts. Bosses now get to interfere with their female employees’ personal decisions about birth control. […]
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May Justice Be Served: One Mom’s Career In Sex Law, Part 2
One day in the early 1950s, my father’s folks loaded their kids into the car and took off down a central Indiana road for a picnic. My dad’s mom sat in the front seat, holding three month old Beverly, in her arms. As they turned a corner, an oncoming car smashed into them, killing baby […]
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If your boss disapproves of birth control, can he take it out of your health coverage?
Can you name the Greatest Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century? Take the Pop Quiz on One Mom’s Career In Sex Law,Part 1 , Roberta Riley’s blog
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