• Legislature Calls it Quits with a Medicaid Dental Cut and No Capital Budget

    After a lengthy 193-day session, the Legislature adjourned last week, approving an operating budget in the nick of time but failing to pass capital budget. The operating budget effectively cuts the already underfunded Medicaid dental benefit by requiring a switch from fee-for-service to a carved-out dental managed care arrangement, pairing the move with unrealistic savings […]

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  • New Health Equity Tool for ACH Evaluation

    The Consumer and Community Voices (CCV) Work Group of the King County Accountable Community of Health (ACH), including NoHLA senior staff attorney Daniel Gross, created an equity assessment tool for the ACH to use in developing Medicaid demonstration projects. The tool – which the ACH will use in designing its Medicaid Transformation Demonstration projects – requires […]

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  • Surprise Billing Persists in Washington– NY Times Highlights Problems with EmCare

    NoHLA has long advocated for consumer protections from surprise medical bills – when a consumers receive unexpectedly large bills from health care providers that they had no idea were out-of-network.  Over one in five visits to an in-network emergency room result in an out-of-network doctor’s bill. Despite this problem, a House proposal in the Legislature […]

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  • Charity Care Challenges Continue in Yakima Valley

    A 2016 report by NoHLA and OneAmerica found that Yakima Regional and Toppenish Hospitals were not adequately providing charity care to patients in need. Now, both hospitals are being acquired by Regional Health, which is pursuing Certificate of Need (CON) approval from the state Department of Health. NoHLA and OneAmerica submitted written comments expressing concern […]

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  • Revised Senate Health Bill Unveiled Today

    During the July 4th recess, Senators heard from their constituents about problematic provisions of their health proposal. Some Senators returned more steadfast in their opposition. And experts recently estimate that over 900,000 health care workers would lose jobs due to Medicaid cuts under the Senate’s plan. One analysis suggests that Washington State could lose 16,800 […]

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  • People Love the ACA and Medicaid More Than Ever!

    Meanwhile, favorability of the ACA tops 50% for the first time! Unfortunately, there is also public support for changes that would make retaining coverage even more burdensome for Medicaid enrollees. Refuting Republican claims that Medicaid is “woefully broken” and that it provides the poor with worse care than is gained by the uninsured, Medicaid enrollees […]

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  • Legislature Gets Budget Done Just in Time!

    Governor Inslee signed a state biennial operating budget with no time to spare to avoid a partial government shutdown on June 30. He also vetoed a tax break the Republicans wanted. One notable accomplishment was a bill guaranteeing workers paid family and medical leave beginning in 2020, providing 12 weeks paid time off for the […]

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  • Our Neighbors to the South Follow our Lead to Cover All Kids!

    Ten years ago, Washington State passed landmark legislation to Cover All Kids by 2010. Our neighbors down in Oregon have just done the same. Led by the great work of the Oregon Latino Health Coalition, Oregon becomes the 7th state to ensure coverage for all kids regardless of residency status. Congratulations to families and advocates […]

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  • Spotlight: Natalie Reid, NoHLA Summer Intern

    We welcome Natalie Reid to NoHLA this summer! Natalie is a second year student at Seattle University School of Law and is interested in health law and policy, consumer advocacy, and administrative law. With one year of law school under her belt, Natalie is excited to put her new skills to use by pursuing her […]

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  • NoHLA Responds to Federal Request on ACA’s “Regulatory Burdens”

    The Administration recently solicited public comments as part of an effort to deconstruct the health care system put in place by the ACA. NoHLA submitted comments finding fault with the premise that deregulation is needed or that the ACA has been bad for consumers, pointing out that the federal protections provided by the ACA have […]

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